Innovating in the political sphere

Wir für Demokratie works towards increased diversity and new spaces in political discourse - on the way to future-proof politics.

How can we succeed in creating a diverse and open democracy as a foundation for socially just decision-making? How can we find constructive solutions that transcend party boundaries? How can we involve various population groups that are currently inadequately represented in the political system?

Wir für Demokratie aims to answer all of these questions by opening up spaces for new forms of cooperation in the political process, strengthening representation and providing new impetus in terms of content and methodology.

Although political innovation is not the focus of alv, one thing is clear: democracy is our social basis. Moreover, structural changes are only possible if civil society and political actors work together. This is why alv strengthens Wir für Demokratie in its efforts towards political innovation.

Key facts:
  • Duration: since 2022
  • Location: nation-wide
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A picture with several people smiling while standing and sitting in three rows on wooden steps.
Image credit:
Wir für Demokratie e.V.

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