Shining a light on nature-inspired strategies for a better future

As a bridge between biology and design, the Biomimicry Institute shows how nature's genius can be leveraged to solve the most pressing problems of our time.

Rooted in the belief that nature offers proven biological strategies that can help us in addressing complex issues like the climate crisis, the Biomimicry Institute works in the pursuit of a sustainable and harmonious future.

This striving towards a better future requires a systemic view - an understanding of the interwovenness of humans and other living systems.

On this path of shedding light on nature's genius, the Biomimicry Institute offers the platform, which shares research and educates wide target groups in biological strategies.

We support the Biomimicry Institute to further advance the effectiveness and reach of the AskNature platform as a central tool in their research and education work. Together with the Biomimicry Institute, we hope to increase the reach and depth of exposure to biomimicry thinking and solutions as well as to spark actual behavior change and understand its inhibitors.

Key Facts:

  • Duration: since 2024
  • Location: global
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Ein in zwei Hälften geteiltes Bild: Auf der linken Seite ist eine dornige Pflanze zu sehen, auf der rechten Seite ein Stück Klettverschluss.
Image credit:
Biomimicry Institute

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